Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's all about the money?

So today I've been thinking about money.

Maybe more specifically I've been thinking about money as it relates to our school. We've frequently been given the impression by parents and trustees from other communities that their schools would stand to benefit significantly if we were no longer a problem.

As one trustee put it, "I just think what this would mean to Savanna or Bonanza."

Now I don't wish any other school any ill will. So I thought I would fiqure it out. What would it mean to Savanna or Bonanza? If the Peace Wapiti's Valhalla School Review is correct and the Valhalla School does in fact cost an extra $242,000 in clawback, programming, and maintenance (which has not been proven in my opinion, but that's another post) how much would that give to the other schools in the division? There are approximately 5000 students in the Peace Wapiti School Division. If you divide the $242,000 by 5000 you get $48.50/student.

So for a school like Savanna with an enrolment of 115 it equals $5600/year. That is only slightly more than the base instruction funding for one child/year. Bonanza with an enrolment of 68 students would stand to gain $3300/year.

Now, I'm no finance whiz but it seems to me that would not be enough to solve the quadruple splits.